Gerald & Tanny Jackson
Gerald and Tanny have been blessed with
great insight through their walk with the Lord
and their yielded life in the Spirit.
They bring a consistent message of endurance,
strength and hope in Christ to marriages
and the body of Christ.
I wholeheartedly endorse their message of hope!
Dr. Tracy Elder, President/CEO
Seneca Community Chaplain Corps
International Alliance of Chaplain Corps
Evangelists Gerald and Tanny Jackson are true servants of God! Over the years, I have seen firsthand how they have preached the gospel, fed & clothed the homeless, led sinners to Christ, facilitated anointed praise, and healed the sick. I believe on that glorious day as they stand before our Lord, they shall hear, “Great job my good and faithful servants!” Therefore, I strongly recommend Evangelists Gerald and Tanny Jackson!🙏🏽 Chaplain Rachel Prayer Rising Movement Rachel/
By Rachel Y. Johnston
When we listen and watch as Tanny and Gerald share their Love Songs, we see:
• The love Christ has for His Church.
• An intimacy that reflects our Lord and King.
• A love that will bear all things.
• Commitment to God and each other.
They have taught us to speak the love language, to love and encourage each other through the storms, and to never let go of the love God has for us all.
They bring you to the Song of Solomon and open the garden’s gate, leading you to a place of refreshing.
Their passion for Christ and His church are truly seen in all they do.
Pastors Jack and Alice Bernard
New Beginnings Ministry, Int.
I love that they sing and speak the Word of God and their covenant vows over each other—even in the car as they travel together.
Gerald and Tanny point us to the King of Grace in the little things throughout the day and exemplify how marriage is intended to enjoy God’s presence in the home.
Dee and Sandra Owens
GHCC International Mission Ministry
I have known Gerald & Tanny since February 28th, 2002, and everything that I’ve seen has epitomized the marriage that Christ intended for believers. Gerald & Tanny walk the talk.
I believe that this book has been written on their personal experience and I believe if you incorporate the principles that they have provided here you will also have a marriage that epitomizes what Christ has intended.
Rachel Y. Johnston, Attorney at Law
The Johnston Firm ~ Family Law Practice
Gerald and Tanny’s message will reinforce your relationships and inspire creativity to keep a marriage strong by speaking life to each other. What we say can build up or tear down. Like a fortress is built one block at a time, we increase in strength through God’s Living Word. A fortress protects from the onslaught of an enemy.
Pastors Paul (Big Red) & Tricia Wilson
Aggressive Ministries